Friday, August 28, 2020

Top 21 BEST Houseplants for Easy Care



To start off this post I want to say there are MANY different kinds of houseplants. The variety ranges from extremely easy and common to exotic "finicky" ones. This list is not like some other sites that list best ones for being a "fad". This is simply my personal favorites for easy care regardless if they are extremely popular or just "plain Jane". I will leave the favorites to you to decide the reader 😉🌿.


Also there are MANY MANY more Houseplants I could have included that are popular and low maintenance, but wanted to end it short n' sweet at 21. 


1. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata and other Spp. Formerly known as Sansevieria)

 Yes, you read that correctly, Snake plants are NOT Sansevieria's anymore. It is a former genus. In 2017 genetic testing proved ALL Sansevieria's to be in fact Dracaena's. The Snake Plant (aka Mother in Laws Tongue) is the EASIEST houseplant to grow! Famously known as being impossible to kill. Can grow in the darkest areas (still needing some light to live, duh) and a couple months at a time without water. Many different species and varieties exist with nearly identical care. 

2. Dracaena fragrans

Many varieties of Dracaena fragrans exsist. Many sources will list such varieties as separate species, they are not. This plant can grow in low light and needs water only once per month or so. It is important to note that variegated forms will loose variegation in too little light, the plant will still thrive in such conditions but you won't be able to get that color back unfortunately.


3. Pothos Vine (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos is EXTREMELY easy to grow. Grows in the lowest lighting, and water once leave shrivel (or if you can feel a connection with it before it wilts). Typically water once per few weeks or so depending on conditions. This plant is VERY forgiving. Variegated forms will also loose variegation in too little light, but will thrive nonetheless.

4. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)


The most low maintenance Palm tree there is. Unfortunately this Palm is EXTREMELY RARE and VERY difficult to find. If you do find it they are ALWAYS ridiculously expensive. Several factors play into the pricing. They are EXTREMELY slow growing it can take over a year to grow a SINGLE frond. Also, since they are famous for being the Palms the Victorian's used in the 1800s as the most low maintenance Palm to represent wealth, and class, this jacks up the price SIGNIFICANTLY. No wonder it's so pricy! If you can find one, BUY IT! You may not see one again for a long while! Grows in low light, and water once every few weeks after being completely dry. Water more often in the summer months than winter months. 


5. Bamboo Palm ( Chamaedorea seifrizii)

This is another VERY low maintenance Palms definitely in the top list! Not as rare and expensive as Kentia Palm. Very reasonable for price and moderate grower. Grows in low light (will grow faster in bright indirect) and water once dry. 

6. Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

Definitely on the top most east to grow Palms! This gem has fan shaped leaves that grows in low light without fuse, and tolerates dry periods and neglect very well. Grown as clump, indoors grows between 6'-10' tall, but slightly taller outdoors in tropical environments. Definitely a choice if you are sick of Dracaena's and Pothos in your "bad spot"


7. Mini Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Most common low maintenance Palm in commerce. EXTREMELY SMALL usually sold no bigger than a few inches tall as a clumped plant. At maturity it can reach a few feet tall and wide after many years. This common gem represents low maintenance with the Victorian era Palms. Grows in low light and water when dry to the touch.


8. Yucca Cane (Yucca elephantipes)


Very common houseplant that is VERY easy to grow. Unlike other Yuccas this one will tolerate lower light situations, but must have bright indirect light. Can also thrive in hot direct sun as it does in the wild. Since Yucca is a succulent water rarely once every couple months or when bone dry and leaves begin to droop.

9. Weeping Ficus (Ficus benjamina)

This very common old school Houseplant offers deep glossy green leaves that look almost looks fake. In the right environment this plant thrives. Ficus species are known to be finiky. Though some species more than others. This one will shed leaves if moved to different conditions drastically. In a happy spot, it won't struggle and is VERY forgiving with neglect. Grows in low to bright indirect light. Water when completely dry. 

10. Audrey Ficus (Ficus benghalensis)


This is a fairly new addition to the houseplant community, but is RAPIDLY gaining LOTS of popularity! Known as the NEW Fiddle Leaf Fig due to being much less finiky and tolerable of vast conditions including low light and low water amounts. Definitely still a rare find, but grab one if you are able to find one! Definitely a must have!


11. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)


Fiddle Leaf Fig is also a classic houseplant that has been a staple in the community for years. Though it is known for being extremely finiky when subject to drastic change in conditions, or when conditions aren't completely in its favor. In the right environment and conditions, this plant will thrive in moderate to bright indirect light andow water amounts. The leave are shaped like fiddles and are HUGE! Definitely a must have!

12. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)

Very popular variegated purple leaves vine. Roots easily in water. In the right spot it wi thrive in low light and water when bone dry. VERY susceptible to root rot, make sure EXCELLENT drainage is available. Very popular in hanging baskets.


13. Dracaena marginata


Very low maintenance, and very popular. Green and variegated forms exsist. Like Dracaena fragrans this plant LOVES lower lighting and low water needs. FORGIVES you from neglect. Long very narrow leaves are a MUST for the home! 

14. Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)


 Very popular low maintenance Philodendron. Been a popular one for MANY years in the community. Tolerates low light and water when dry. Variegated forms are a MUST!

15. Monstera deleciosa

Most FAMOUS Monstera and perhaps Houseplant! This one is still a bit rare to find due to its EXTREMELY RAPID rise to the top most wanted Houseplant in just recent years. It was once not long ago an exotic plant. So not too common, and the most sought after variegated forms are EXTREMELY expensive. Usually starting at hundreds going to thousands of dollars. Though plain green ones are most common and a must for your home or office! Leaves are split adding a tropical look! They can be finiky until your used to growing it. Prefers moderate to bright indirect light, and low to moderate watering needs. Let soil dry before watering. Once you've successfully grown one, they are almost TOO EASY! A MUST for sure!

16. Schefflera Spp.

Many species exsist and several are very popular as houseplants. Ranging from dwarfs to large trees. Variegated forms require bright light to keep color. All green varieties can tolerate low light. Water when soil is dry to the touch, but not bone dry. In too little light, lower leaves will shed. Classic Houseplant indeed!

17. Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum)

This very popular Houseplant thrives in low light with ease, but will require a watchful eye when it comes to watering. What're when top of soil is dry. It will quickly die if let to dry too long. Follow that simple rule, and this one is a PIECE OF CAKE!!

18. Aglaonema (Aglaonema commutatum; with other species being less common in commerce)

Very cool sight in shopping malls, and hallways in offices. This plant has many different variegated forms that thrive with EXTREME neglect. Water once every few weeks, and grows in low light. One of the only problems is that it can develop root rot very easily and quickly if subject to too much water and not enough drainage. One of my FAVS! A MUST for your home or office!

19. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

This EASY grower offers HUGE deep glossy rubbery foliage to the home. One of the MOST low maintenance of the Ficuses to grow! Not very finiky like other Ficus species are. Many varieties exist, with many variegated forms. I didn't include it in the top list because I had others I like better, but doesn't make this one ANY harder to grow. Thrives in low to bright light, and water when completely dry. Typically water once every week or two depending on conditions.

20. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

 This gem is a CLASSIC, and is very common in commerce. I didn't include it in the top list because I had others I like better, but doesn't make this one ANY harder to grow. Thrives in low to bright light, and water when completely dry. Will grow Spider babies which you can grow into new clones for FREE! Variegated forms are most popular over plain green.


21. ZZ Plant ( Zamioculcas zamiifolia)


Lastly, but most certainly not least we have the ZZ Plant! It is as EASY as Snake Plant and Dracaena fragrans! I didn't include it in the top list because I had others I like better, but doesn't make this one ANY harder to grow. Grows in low light, and water when completely dry, typically once every few weeks or so. Will FORGIVE you from neglect. Deep glossy waxy leaves on long stems add interest to your home or office! 



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