Monday, October 8, 2018

Bald Cypress

Bald Cypress is a deciduous Conifer. A conifer meaning porduces cones (like a Pine, Spruce, Cedar...) But it isn't evergreen like others it drops it's needles in the Fall. It has the most wide range of growing climates than most other trees. It's native range extends from southern Florida and the most dominant tree in the Everglades, to Southern Indiana and Delaware. In its southern growing areas it can growing alongside Palm trees! The Bald Cypress is hardy to -30°F. It is hardy in USDA Zones 4-10. Meaning this tree can grow in a subtropical climate to a cool temperate climate. Trees have been successfully grown in Canada like Toronto for example. In it's southern growing areas the coldest temperature it may ever experience is the freezing point. Meaning Bald Cypress in the Everglades or in Miami will go dormant with temps in the 40s, and may only a few times into there lifetimes experience temps near freezing. Specimens grown up north see temps below zero everywinter with plentiful snow. The Bald Cypress is an amazing tree with a wide range of growing conditions. It grows in the swamps and wetlands in many of it's native habitats, but is surprisingly drought tolerant. It has moderate drought tolerance. It may not survive desert dryness, but can grow in dryer areas, with some drought periods in summer.

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