Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Needlecast Disease on Conifers and Alternatives

Needle Cast disease is killing millions of Blue Spruce trees across the Eastern US. The tree in native to the dry arid climate of the Rocky Mountains. Clay soils, high humidity and water puts tremendous stress on these trees and hosts multiple diseases. The tree has no mechanism to fight it off since it never encounters them in their native habitat. The disease that is of most concern is Rhizosphaera Needle Cast disease is killing millions of Blue Spruce trees across the Eastern US. The tree in native to the dry arid climate of the Rocky Mountains. Clay soils, high humidity and water puts tremendous stress on these trees and hosts multiple diseases. The tree has no mechanism to fight it off since it never encounters them in their native habitat. The disease that is of most concern is Rhizosphaera Needle Cast disease. This starts by killing off the tree at the bottom, and works its way up to the top. The needles will turn a purple/brown color, then drop. There is no cure, and no treatment is proven to work. Some nurseries sell fungicide to kill the disease, it is not porven, nor does it work on already infected trees. It MAY only work on new growth that hasn't been affected yet. Trees that are most susceptible are Blue Spruce (Picea pungens), and Engelmann Spruce (Picea engelmannii). White Spruce has good resistance to the disease, and is a good alternative to Blue Spruce. Serbian Spruce, and Oriental Spruce haven't been planted in North America long enough to know if they are susceptible to the disease, but as of now very few problems have come up with the trees so they may be a good alternative


1. As mentioned above White Spruce, also it's variety Black Hills.
2. Reportedly has some resistance: 'Fat Albert' and 'Hoopsi' Blue Spruce (still susceptible though!)
3. White Fir (Blue cultivars: 'Candicans' and 'Blue Cloak')
4. 'Norway Spruce (Blue cultivar: 'Paul's Select')
5. Oriental Spruce (Bluish cultivar: 'Deer Run') (May be susceptible)
6. Serbian Spruce (Deeper Green and bluish cultivar: 'Bruns') (May be susceptible)

Pictures below I have taken. My 'Fat Albert' Blue Spruce in my yard has zero sign of Needle cast. While my neighbors Blue Spruce trees are dying from Needlecast. This may be an indication of the resistance to Needlecast in my 'Fat Albert'. It has been in the ground for almost 7 years.

Loblolly Pine The New Northern Pine

Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda The Loblolly Pine is widely known as the most common Pine tree in the South-Eastern United States. However, it is ...